Unknown Known

Ambient music, I guess?

Talk to me.



twenty sixteen

A selection of sketches recorded in the first half of 2016, narrowed down from a larger roughly-one-track-per-week collection. Many edited down from living room improvisations with a mixer, a laptop, and a controller. One recorded on the bus, one in bed before going to sleep.

Lunai Lisma

A collection of tracks recorded roughly when I was living in the Middle East. Noisy samples and fuzzy synths.


generosity one

A collaborative track made with midcentury modular for a compilation of music by members of lines.

And Also

Disquiet Junto

“The Disquiet Junto is an ongoing weekly collaborative music-making space in which restraints are used as a springboard for creativity. . . . There is an FAQ.”

I’ve played along from time to time.